Clear and Explicit!

We provide proven savings with "0" cost without
making concessions to service quality in logistic

expenses of institutions which deal with foreign trade!

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We are a team with both domestic and international experience which provides and gets services in supply chain planning
in an average period of 25 years. We created or reorganized logistic processes
for our many clients from various sectors
and for our companies and succeeded improvements, sometimes together and sometimes in different projects.

Now we are together and we offer our services with full steam ahead under the umbrella of ACK to the institutions dealing with foreign trade.

No Risks!

Yes, we will decrease your logistic costs and we do not create additional expenses for our service to your existing expenses. We make an innovative proposal just like in our professional business life. We implement a system that is not present in the sector and we offer you consultancy and audit services with "0" (zero) expenses by undertaking all risks.


Measurable, Actual Data!

We ensure that you save money through actual results and measurable, actual data. Provable savings will help you build a more realistic future strategy than presumptive plans and budgets. With our experience for over 25 years, we want to support you in this process.

Transparent and Confidential

While the studies that we will conduct for your company will be presented to you in detail, your company information will be protected by the nondisclosure agreement that we are going to make between us. In this way, while increasing your profitability, all developments that will enable you to become different and to get ahead in the sector will be curiously followed by your competitors.


ACK is focused on productivity. We develop preventive approaches by detecting the risks beforehand. Our business manner is shaped from this focus forth. In all our works, we aim to produce permanent values in the framework of the sustainability approach.​


What is the difference between you and other consultancy and audit companies?

ACK is first. ACK will not provide you with a price list that requires regular payments. ACK will not make proposals whose rewards are not guaranteed such as conditions in which the buying of the programs that we produced is required. ACK focuses on decreasing your expenses and profits in the ratio of our success. ACK's motivation is its success and it will not profit before making you profit. ACK is the first and only consultancy company that operates with this approach.

How will you make improvements that we could not make until today in a short span of time?

The ACK team consists of people who actualized many successful projects in business development, process creation/development and cost analyses either in the country or abroad for logistic companies that provide services in the country in every circle of the supply chain with its experience for over 25 years.

When a team whose natural actions have become developing effective systems and creating added-value and cost deductions focuses on a project in its sector, the fact that the team provides more successful results in a short span of time than any other teams will be expected.

What are your partner companies?

We do not have an organic relation with any institution and we do not collaborate with other institutions. We are at the same distance to all valuable logistic companies that operate in our country. The logistics company that will comply with the system that we plan to implement for you will be the closest company to us. A partnership is not appropriate for our reason for being.

We do not want to change the existing supplier from which we get services. Can you be beneficial to us under these conditions?

As ACK, our aim is not to change your supplier. Our main aim is to decrease your logistic expenses. Of course, one of the suppliers that can implement the most suitable system for you can be your existing supplier. We do not want to change your supplier after they agree to provide the conditions that we will request.

Will we transfer our existing contracts to you?

Our working method covers a specific period, the new system and new suppliers if needed will commence once the results are obtained and we come to terms with you; after monitoring for a while, the period will end. Apart from those, contracts or contract transfers are out of question.

Can we work with you in similar matters that we need other than your services?

Our priority is to improve the service quality in your logistic expenses or at least to put a system that provides savings by protecting into practice. After actualizing that, we will negotiate for your other industry-specific needs. We are open for negotiations for all your needs within the scope of our business field.

Contacting us through our e-mail address, will be adequate for us to convey all the details of our business model that guarantees your profitability with our collaboration.